Guess what we received in the email today? A JOB PREDICTOR! Well, WERE we excited! So we keyed in everyone's names, and here are the results!
Maggie- Prime Minister
Mitch- Second-hand Car Salesman
River- Circus Freak!?!
Bae- Brain Surgeon!
Butchy- Chef
Snickers- Rally Car Driver
Lorenza- Rally Car Driver too!
Agatha- Computer Nerd
Archie- Astronaut!
Thor- Internet Hacker
Asta- Hypnotist
Gus- Secondhand Car Salesman
Louie- Great Boss
Callie- Car Drifting Star!
Faya- Midwife!!!
Dyos- Religious fellow!
Paco- Alien investigator
Milo- Superhero...
Boo- Nice Old Man?!?
Simba- Religious teacher!
Scruffy- Rally Car Driver
Lacie- Politician!
Stan- Supermodel!
Dino- Traffic police!
Happy- Pirate..
Noah- Loan shark!?!?
Willow- Traffic warden
Tess- Astronaut!
Lucy- Maid.
Huskee- Quiz Show Contestant
Hershey- Village Idiot.
Mack- Respected VIP
Lilly- Pirate!
Paris- Clown..
Samantha- Pirate!
Pipa- Job in a land far, far away!
Pacco- The job you have now!
Rocky- Car Drifting Star
AmberMae- Businessman!
Chloe- Secondhand Car Salesman
Faith- Traffic cop!
Madison- Animal therapist
Girasol- Yikes...g..i..g..o..l..o..??
Sami- Despatch
Baylee- Super Singer
Sparky- Traffic Warden
Boy- Village Head
Baby- Nice old man?
Benjamin- Car Salesman
PowderPuff- Brain surgeon
Amber- Cleaner! Oops..
Joe- Accompanying Actor
Tanner- Analysis Professor
Mason Dixie- Insurance Fraudster
Tibby- Traffic Cop!
Apple- Superhero!
And...I, Brandy, would be a top gun pilot! Hehehe!
How do you all like your jobs?