Monday, June 2, 2008

Hancock the Superhero

Aloha everydoggy! Brandy the Movie Guide here to announce a new movie!

Anydoggy heard of HANCOCK?

"He’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and can leap tall buildings in a single bound."

I think he reminds me of my mate, Pacco with her sunglasses on. He still looks superhero-ish though!

1) Will Smith plays the eponymous character in the movie.

2) In a bid to save a WHALE , Hancock heaves it out to sea, only to see it smash a sailboat.

All the MORE reason to watch it! Ahh, the superhero of my dreams!!! A superhero trying to save a whale! Which dog wouldn't want him? He's kind-hearted too!

Well, my hooman told me about it, and OOH!, wouldn't I love to watch it and bring along my doggy family. (I can just imagine all of us in a conga line heading to the cinema!)

Photo by Koobuss

Who wants to go for a movie date with ME???


Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Noah the Airedale said...

We've never heard of Hancock. He must be good if he has a kind heart!!

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Amber said...

Hey there Brandy, have not heard of the movie. Sounds interesting! I want to go to the movies~ hee


Lizzy said...


That movie sounds very interesting! We're gonna have to look into it... Sounds pretty good. I'll get my humans to start popping the popcorn, hee hee!


Thor and Jack said...

Brandy, I´ve never heard of the Hancock! It looks cool! I want to go to the movies with you!

Love licks

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brandy!
I've heard about Hancock! My mom says that sure is a good picture but she does not like to go the movies!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

I'm no huge movie fan but I wouldn't mind!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

We've never heard of Hancock before but the word is that mom and dad are going to see some man named Indiana Jones today and guess who's NOT invited to tag along!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Hey we have never heard of this one,which is not surprising becasue we don't go to the movies a lot.....but we would go with you!! love A+A

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh I haven't heard of this one. It looks interesting. I'll go with you

~ Girl girl

Myeo said...

Our mama loves WILL SMITH!!!!

Boy n Baby

Asta said...

Hi Brandi
I'd go wif you..only I don't think they let me into the movie theatwe awound hewe..thanks fow saying you like my new haiwdo..have a gweat weekend

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh yeah... my human said she wanna watch it...coz she alwiz like superhero...

n from the trailer, hancock is really super... i bet the hulk can't even beat him

Anonymous said...

I saw Hancock last night. I enjoyed it for what it was which is a fun, mostly fast-paced popcorn flick. The writers of the film also tossed in a nice plot twist that I didn't see coming but it turned out to work just fine.its a great can watch this from here also....
Get Free Hancock Movie

delly said...

Hancock is a story of a superhero named John Hancock who has a hard time coping with his life. It was funny at the beginning but turned out to be a sad love story when Mary revealed the truth. Overall the movie was funny, easy to watch, and very easy to enjoy... So wanna watch this great performance by Smith? then go ahead and Download Hancock Movie Free