Sunday, June 22, 2008


Look what I had to do today. . .

Okay, JUST ONE treat is acceptable.
Ohh fine, add another..But hurry up!

WHATT?!?! 3??

Never mind, at least I get to eat them..


Duke said...

We think you have great patience to be able to perform that trick without gobbling down those delicious cookies! We don't have that same patience! We applaud you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's Brandy, heehee they cood never git me to do that...u iz sooo smart...

b safe,

River said...

Wow, what patience you have! Yeah, at least you get to eat them, thank dogness.

love & wags,

Joe Stains said...

This kind of makes me happy that I don't have a real nose ;)

Agatha and Archie said...

Well we would never be able to do that!! Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brandy!
How you can do that??? You are really good!
I am sure I will never be able to do that!
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

I don´t know why, I can not balance. Always fall in my mouth!


Asta said...

I think you awe the patientestest Doggie to do that..I hope you get extwa tweats fow youw goodness
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

As long as you get to eat them matie, that's all that matters!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Amber-Mae said...

It's so sickening to balance treats on nose right? I usually will purposely flip it across the room so that the mommy won't make me do it again.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Faya said...

Waouw... I will never be able to do this....
4 paws = 4 is correct...
Kisses, Faya

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are one well behaved pup!!! I don't even like doing the "down, Wait" for my supper..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Yet ANOTHER thing woo won't khatch a Siberian doing!

Nice job though!!

My mom says thanks fur the Musikh Monday khomment!!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

You poor thing. At least you get all the yummy treats at the end of it. :)

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

human is crazy...that's for sure

rachel said...

I know I am not an animal, but I don't care this is amazing! You miss Brandy, are VERY talented. (:

Tatum Tot said...

Oh my gosh why are those not in your MOUTH!!! That's just wrong.